Bulk order processing

Thanks to the special functionality of our billing system, you can easily place bulk orders for servers and extend existing orders.

Bulk Ordering of VDS Servers

The process for bulk ordering VDS servers is almost identical to a regular order. The only difference is specifying the quantity of identical servers you want to order.

Bulk order processing

Please note that the specified number of VDS servers identical to the one configured in the second step of the order process will be created.

Example: By placing an order as shown in the screenshot, you will receive a total bill for 5 VDS Micro in Romania with all specified additional services for a period of 1 month.

Bulk Ordering of Identical VDS in All Available Locations

The principle of ordering the specified number of servers in all locations is similar to the previous example, but with the difference that you need to select the option « Create order the specified number of times for each available location. »

Bulk order processing

Please note that the specified number of VDS in all available locations identical to the one configured in the second step of the order process will be created.

Example: By placing an order as shown in the screenshot, you will receive a total bill for 60 VDS Micro, five in each of the 12 available locations (the number of available locations may differ at the time of reading this guide) with all specified additional services for a period of 1 month.

Renewal of several VDS at once

In order to renew several VDS at once, you need to select each of them, and then click on the “Renew” button in the upper right corner.

Bulk order processing

Then select the extension period and pay the total bill.

Bulk order processing

Please note that you cannot select VDS for bulk extension if an invoice has already been issued for payment.

Promo Code for Bulk VDS Orders

The promo code entered for a bulk VDS order is applied to each newly created order.

Discounts for bulk VDS renewal

When performing a bulk renewal of VDS, loyalty program discounts and long-term renewal discounts (3, 6, and 12 months) are automatically applied, just like with a regular renewal.

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